Rainwater flat roof drainage
easily done.
As a partner, we protect your building from more than just rain. When it comes to rainwater drainage, ventilation and fire protection our name stands for technical know-how for more than 40 years. The principle is very simple: it is the experience in the manufacturing of several million outlets. Sita is a solution provider. Together with the trade, architects, specifiers and installers, we find the best practice solution for you at service and product level.
CD for Conventional Drainage
Rainwater weighs heavy on roofs - a real test for the seal and structural strength. Conventional drainage is the most common type of roof drainage for flat roofs.
SD for Siphonic Drainage
Do you have particularly large roof areas on industrial, free-standing buildings? And you have a need for great space inside them?
ED for Emergency Drainage
As climate change takes hold, an increase in heavy rainfall incidents is predicted. You need an emergency drainage system to get the water off your roof if it rains heavily.
PD for Parapet Drainage
Parapet Drainage removes the water quickly and directly from the roof - with either a pipe system or using waterspouts. Since the drainage is external, it also means that the water stays off.
CD for Cascade Drainage
Drainage on lower rooffls used to take place in a grey area in terms of standards. Not any more: The SitaKaskade component systems are architecturally innovative - and yet you can build with the systems in full compliance with the standards.
BT for Balcony and Terrace drainage
Sita's solutions for balcony and terrace drainage protect your balcony and terrace spaces from flooding and backflow.
D for Drainage
Like a modern water trench, the drainage system at ground level by Sita protects the interior of your building. The facade is also protected from heavy rainfall splashing back.
GR for Green Roof and Retention
Specially developed for green roofs as well as for roofs without ballast, the retention solutions ensure that rainwater is temporarily held back on the roof.
R for Refurbishment
The older the roof, the greater the risk. As your refurbishment partner we can help you to update your drainage system.
V for Ventilation and pipe fairlead
A well coordinated system is required to ensure your building can breathe in an out, whether it is for room, section or cold roof ventilation.
FP for Fire Protection
All-round-cover - not just when it rains - if there is a fire as well. Sita fire protection solutions prevent the dangerous spread of fire and radiated heat.
P for SitaPipe
With all fittings and securing materials of the SitaPipe series, piping systems for gravity and siphonic drainage can be realised without gaps.
Architect, roofer or distributor?
All relevant information at a glance.
Sita for architects & planning offices.
Sita-like easy support for individual planning.
Whether flat or over several levels, new construction or refurbishment, green or conventionally waterproofed roof: roofs can be the grand finale of your construction project. To make this easy for you, we support you with know-how, consultation and targeted services.
Sita for roofers.
Sita-like easy support around installation.
To be on the safe side when it comes to flat roof drainage, we support you with a comprehensive service. From product selection to planning and installation as well as to standard and liability-proof documentation, we make it easy for you - Sitaleicht.
Sita for partnering distributors.
Sita-like easy support around distributing.
With you as Sita's trading partner, we deliver products that are really helpful. On top we provide comprehensive data content for easier understanding of the product - enabling you to convey it even better to your customers. Thus, proven quality becomes a convincing selling point.